Ubuntu MATE 24.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 24.10 is more of what you like, stable MATE Desktop on top of current Ubuntu. Read on to learn more 👓️
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Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 24.04 is more of what you like, stable MATE Desktop on top of current Ubuntu.
This release rolls up some fixes and more closely aligns with Ubuntu. Read on to learn more 👓️
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Ubuntu MATE 23.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.10 is more of what you like, stable MATE Desktop on top of current Ubuntu.
This release rolls up a number of bugs fixes and updates that continues to build on recent releases, where the focus has been on improving stability 🪨
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Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.04 is the least exciting Ubuntu MATE release ever. The good news is, if you liked Ubuntu MATE 22.10 then it is more of the same; just with better artwork! 🖌️🖼️ I entered this development cycle full of energy and enthusiasm off the back of the Ubuntu Summit in Prague, but then I was seriously ill 🤒 and had a long stay in hospital. I’m recovering well and should be 100% in a couple of months. This setback and also changing jobs a couple of months ago has meant that I’ve not been able to invest the usual time and effort into Ubuntu MATE. I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to deliver another solid 🪨 release with the help of the Ubuntu community.
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Ubuntu MATE 22.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 22.10 is a modest update by recent standards and focused on “quality
of life improvements”. And there is good reason why this release of Ubuntu MATE
doesn’t feature the usual bucket 🪣 list of changes you’d typically expect, and
that’s because I’ve been helping bring the full Ubuntu MATE experience to Debian
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Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS is the culmination of 2 years of continual improvement 😅
to Ubuntu and MATE Desktop. As is tradition, the LTS development cycle has a
keen focus on eliminating paper 🧻 cuts 🔪 but we’ve jammed in some new
features and a fresh coat of paint too 🖌 The following is a summary of what’s
new since Ubuntu MATE 21.10 and
some reminders of how we got here from 20.04. Read on to learn more 🧑🎓
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Ubuntu MATE 21.10 for GPD Pocket 3
In what has become something of a tradition, the Ubuntu MATE team have released
images for the GPD Pocket 3 modular handheld PC.
Many thanks to the team at GPD for providing sample hardware for us to work with!
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Ubuntu MATE 21.10 Release Notes
The significant change in Ubuntu MATE 21.10 is the introduction of MATE Desktop
1.26.0 ✨ which was
18 months in the making. Thanks to the optimisations in MATE Desktop 1.26, Ubuntu
MATE 21.10 is faster and leaner 💪
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Ubuntu MATE 21.04 Release Notes
Can you smell 👃 that? That’s the smell of fresh paint 🖌 with just a hint of
cucumber 🥒
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Примечания к выпуску Ubuntu MATE 20.10
Релизы, следующие за LTS всегда оказываются хорошим временем ⌚ для формирования списка изменений
и будующих направлений 🗺️ развития дистрибутива с прицелом на то, где мы хотим оказаться
для следующего LTS релиза. Таким образом, Ubuntu MATE 20.10 поставляется с последней версией рабочего стола MATE
1.24.1, идет в ногу со временем с другими разработками Ubuntu (такими как
аутентификация через Active Directory) и перешел на проект Ayatana Indicators.
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Примечания к выпуску Ubuntu MATE 20.04
Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS представляет собой 2 года непрерывного совершенствования
рабочего стола MATE и самого Ubuntu MATE. При подготовке Ubuntu
MATE 19.10 мы были сосредоточены на устранении как можно большего количества “неточностей”.
Это была чрезвычайно успешная инициатива
, отзывы сообщества были
исключительно положительными
и мы учитываем это;
промежуточный выпуск Ubuntu MATE 19.10 оказался нашим наиболее активно используемым
выпуском на сегодняшний день!
Это стало возможным только благодаря
нашей специальной группе QA тестировщиков, присоединившихся к команде Ubuntu MATE
и координирующей действия с разработчиками, чтобы выделить
вопросы, требующие

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Примечания к выпуску Ubuntu MATE 19.10
*Ubuntu MATE 19.10 содержит множество улучшений относительно Ubuntu MATE 18.04 и 19.04.
Темой этой версии стало исправление как можно большего количества *“неточностей”.
Каждая новая функция в Ubuntu MATE 19.10 была добавлена для устранения ошибок
или улучшения взаимодействия с пользователем. Наконец-то разрешены многие давние
неточности. Сделайте себе чашку чая ☕ и возьмите кусок торта 🍰 прежде чем читать
дальше, чтобы узнать, над чем мы работали последние 25 недель.
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Финальный выпуск Ubuntu 19.04
Ubuntu MATE 19.04 - это скромное обновление по сравнению с предыдущими версиями. Если вам нужны исправления ошибок
и улучшенная поддержка оборудования, в особенности NVIDIA GPU, то
19.04 подходит для вас. И да, мы также подготовили индивидуальные образы Ubuntu MATE 19.04 для
GPD Pocket и GPD Pocket 2. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать больше…
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Ubuntu MATE 18.04 и 19.04 для GPD Pocket и Pocket 2
Еще в октябре 2018 года команда Ubuntu MATE выпустила индивидуальные образы Ubuntu
MATE 18.10 для GPD Pocket и
GPD Pocket 2 которые включали изменения и улучшения,
обеспечившие работу этих устройств “из коробки” без каких-либо
забот. Сегодня мы выпускаем образы Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 и Ubuntu MATE 19.04
для обоих устройств. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать подробнее…
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Первая бета Ubuntu MATE 18.04 для Raspberry Pi
Мы готовим Ubuntu MATE 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) для Raspberry Pi.
В этом бета пре-релизе, мы готовимся к подготовке выпуска нашей
новой (стабильной) версии дистрибутива.
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Первая бета Ubuntu MATE 19.04
Ubuntu MATE 19.04 - это скромное обновление по сравнению с предыдущими выпусками. Если вам нужны исправления ошибок
и улучшенная поддержка оборудования, тогда 19.04 для вас..
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Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Final Release
Ubuntu MATE 18.10 is a modest, yet strategic, upgrade over our 18.04
release. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support then 18.10 is for
you. For those who prefer staying on the LTS then everything in this 18.10
release is also important for the upcoming 18.04.2 release. Oh yeah, we’ve
also made a bespoke Ubuntu MATE 18.10 image for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket
2. Read on to learn more…
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Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Beta
Ubuntu MATE 18.10 is a modest, yet strategic, upgrade over our 18.04
release. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support then 18.10 is for
you. For those who prefer staying on the LTS then everything in this 18.10
release is also important for the upcoming 18.04.2 release. Read on to learn
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Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS Final Release
Charles Babbage wasn’t lying when he said “The only thing that would
make my Difference Engine any better would be a modern customisable
desktop environment that didn’t deviate from traditional desktop
paradigms (unless I wanted it to.)” In a long lost diary entry Ada
Lovelace scribbled “If only my code could be matched to an OS that had
a perfect blend of usability and style accompanied by a handpicked
selection of quality software packages.”
ENIAC, moments before being
unplugged in 1956, spat out a final message: “Give us a reboot when
Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS is out will ya?”
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Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2
Yeah baby! You know you want some of what we’ve got. Come and have a fling
with Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2.
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Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) for distribution on
April 26th, 2018
With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE 17.10
Join the Mutiny!
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Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 2
Join the Mutiny!
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Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 1
Unity 7 user? Join our Mutiny!
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Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2
Welcome Unity 7 refugees! This is the Ubuntu flavour you’ve been searching for
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Ubuntu MATE 17.04
We’re totally over the bloody moon to announce Ubuntu MATE 17.04.
This is our favourite release of Ubuntu MATE so far and, we believe, a
real return to form. Ubuntu MATE 16.10 was a transitional release, in
every sense, and 17.04 concludes the upheaval of migrating to GTK3+.
This has been a release focused on refining the distro and sweating the
details. As always, we’re never finished and eager to start work on
17.10 to bring you futher improvements and refinement. But for now, we
hope you enjoy Ubuntu MATE 17.04 as much as we’ve enjoyed making it
for you.
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Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 2
We’re absolutely chuffed to bits to announce, what is quite possibly,
the best Ubuntu MATE beta we’ve ever released. We didn’t participate
in the Beta 1 so we have quite the change log from Alpha 2 that was
released in January. We still have some fixes to land for the themes
but overall this release is shaping up to be really great.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3
An Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 image for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 is now
available for download.
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Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) for distribution on
April 13th, 2017
With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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MATE Desktop 1.16 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04
The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have
already received this information, but here’s an update for everyone.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 2
We are totally over excited (like we’ve been eating candy floss and
toffee apples all night) about this final beta release of Ubuntu MATE
16.10, that now features MATE Desktop 1.15.1 :-D
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 1
We are underwhelmed to announce, quite possibly, our most uninteresting
beta release E-V-E-R! ;-) This beta release is all about the
plumbing that transitions Ubuntu MATE to GTK 3.20. It really isn’t very
interesting from an end-users perspective.
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Bytemark sponsor Ubuntu MATE
A couple of weeks ago the Bytemark Managing Director,
Matthew Bloch, contacted the Ubuntu
MATE team to offer free hosting for the project. As of August 18th 2016
all the Ubuntu MATE infrastucture is hosted on Bytemark Cloud Servers.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) for distribution on
October 13th, 2016
With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 LTS
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1
Beaut, beauty! We’re stoked to announce Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1,
the first distro to ship a fair dinkum MATE Desktop implementation
built entirely against GTK3+. Some thought we’d let the kangaroos loose
in the top paddock by being the first distro to switch to GTK3+ and it
would all come a gutser. But we put in big mobs of effort to ensure
it’s not complete ball dust. Give it a burl!
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MATE Desktop GTK2 vs GTK3 memory consumption
The number two question in the Ubuntu MATE community right now is:
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MATE Desktop 1.14 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04
The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have already
received this information, but here’s an update for everyone.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.10 progress update
The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have already
received some updates explaining most of this, but here’s an update for
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Running Steam on Ubuntu MATE
A couple of weeks ago Phoronix published an article comparing the Steam
performance on various flavours of Ubuntu
This article made me very sad because, using the default settings, Ubuntu MATE didn’t
appear to fair that well. I was also somewhat surprised, what with Ubuntu MATE
sharing a good deal in common with the other flavours and being a fairly
light-weight operating system. While I’m not a big gamer, I’ve always been
very satisfied with Steam performance on Ubuntu MATE.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 images for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 are
now available for download.
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Beta 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Xenial Xerus (16.04) for distribution on
April 21st, 2016
With this Final Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi 3
The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is
here and we
are delighted to announce the immediate availability of Ubuntu MATE
15.10 for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B!
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Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Beta 1
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Xenial Xerus (16.04) for distribution on
April 21st, 2016
With this Beta 1 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
Читать дальше...
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Xenial Xerus (16.04) for distribution on
April 21st, 2016
With this Alpha 2 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
Читать дальше...
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 1
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Xenial Xerus (16.04) for distribution on
April 21st, 2016
With this Alpha 1 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Final Release
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Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 is coming
The Ubuntu MATE team have been working on a revised image for the
Raspberry Pi 2 based on Ubuntu MATE 15.10. It will be released on
October 22nd 2015.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Beta 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Wily Werewolf (15.10) for distribution on
October 22nd, 2015
With this Beta 2 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE Stickers
The Ubuntu MATE Stickers and Badges are available now!
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Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Beta 1
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Wily Werewolf (15.10) for distribution on
October 22nd, 2015
With this Beta 1 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
Читать дальше...
Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Alpha 2
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Wily Werewolf (15.10) for distribution on
October 22nd, 2015
With this Alpha 2 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE and Ubuntu Software Center
Last night I discovered that my decision to remove the Ubuntu Software Center
from the default install on Ubuntu MATE 15.10 has caused quite a stir. I genuinely
had no idea.
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Ubuntu MATE server upgrades
The Ubuntu MATE website is now load-balanced across multiple countries. This
is in additional using CloudFlare for caching
at the network edge.
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Ubuntu MATE hardware partnership with LibreTrend
Ubuntu MATE agrees a partnership with GNU/Linux hardware manufacturer LibreTrend.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Alpha 1
We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Wily Werewolf (15.10) for distribution on
October 22nd, 2015
With this Alpha 1 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in
preparation for our next (stable) version.
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Ubuntu MATE Boutique
The Ubuntu MATE Boutique is open!
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Ubuntu MATE 15.04 generic ARMv7 root file system
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Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Final Release
Achievement Unlocked!
If you didn’t already know, Ubuntu MATE is now an official member of the Ubuntu family.
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Ubuntu MATE hardware partnership with Entroware
Ubuntu MATE forges exciting partnership with Linux hardware startup Entroware.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Beta 2
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Beta 2 is now available for official download. This
release builds on Ubuntu MATE Beta 1, makes a few changes and fixes
a lot of bugs.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.04.2 Release
Ubuntu MATE 14.04.2 is available for download. This release fixes a few
issues that were present in 14.04.1, adds some new features and
updates some packages.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.10 PPA Change
No action required
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mintCast 220 - Ubuntu MATE
Last week I joined Rob, Scott and Joe on mintCast
episode 220. I had a great time and was invited to participate as a guest
throughout the whole show. The main feature was Ubuntu MATE where I talked
about how the project got started, how official Ubuntu status affects the
project and how the Ubuntu MATE and Linux Mint teams are collaborating.
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Compiz in Ubuntu MATE 15.04
This short video introduces Compiz, a 3D-accelerated desktop effects compositor, that is integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.04.
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Gufw in Ubuntu MATE 15.04
This short video introduces Gufw, a firewall configuration utility, that is integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.04.
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Folder Color in Ubuntu MATE 15.04
This short video introduces Folder Color which is integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.04.
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Interface switching with Ubuntu MATE 15.04
This short video introduces Interface Switching which is integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.04 and is available in the MATE Tweak utility.
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Tilda in Ubuntu MATE 15.04
This short video introduces Tilda, a pull-down terminal, that is integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.04.
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Ubuntu MATE gets legit
I spoke with Chris Fisher from the Linux Action Show
last night during Episode 82
of the Linux Unplugged
podcast. We talked about Ubuntu MATE becoming official, what the benefits
of gaining official status are, the new features you can expect to see in
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 and how Ubuntu MATE is helping to fund other Open Source
projects. The embedded video below starts at the begining of our chat.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Beta 1
Achievement Unlocked!
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 is now an official member of the Ubuntu family.
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Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Alpha 2
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Alpha 2 is now available for download. This release builds
on Ubuntu MATE 14.04 and 14.10 and introduces some new features. The observant
among you will notice that there was no Alpha 1 release because, reasons.
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Ubuntu MATE Community launched
Some months ago we asked if the Ubuntu MATE community was interested in expanding without using social networks.
The answer was clear. Yes, you do. Then we asked if the community would fund the required infrastructure and hosting.
And you did! Thank you to everyone who became a monthly sponsor or
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Ubuntu MATE 14.04 for PowerPC
A PowerPC edition of Ubuntu MATE 14.04 is ready for testing thanks to
Adam Smith from the Ubuntu
MATE community!
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Ubuntu MATE 14.04 reviewed by Linux Luddites
Linux Luddites reviewed Ubuntu MATE 14.04 in
Episode #29. Ahead of their
review is a short interview with myself where we cover some of the new
features introduced in Ubuntu MATE 14.04, how it compares to Ubuntu MATE
14.10 and who helped create Ubuntu MATE.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Release
The Ubuntu MATE 14.04 final release is now available for download.
This release fixes a few issues that were present in the 14.10
release and adds some additional features.
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Ubuntu MATE community donations
A couple of months ago I asked if the Ubuntu MATE community was interested in
expanding without using social networks.
The answer was clear. Yes, you do.
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Ubuntu MATE to feature in LinuxWelt magazine
Some good news for Ubuntu MATE users in Germany.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Release
The Ubuntu MATE 14.10 final release is now available for download.
This release fixes a few issues that were present in the release
candidate but make sure you read the release notes below.
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Ubuntu MATE in Utopic Mega Review
Chris, Matt, Erich and Noah from the Linux Action Show
covered Ubuntu MATE along side other Ubuntu flavours in Show 335.
Here is what they had to say about Ubuntu MATE, KDE Plasma 5.1, Xubuntu and Ubuntu. The reason
this is a long clip is because Ubuntu MATE features more than once :-D
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Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Release Candidate
Ubuntu MATE 14.10 release candidate is now available for download.
This is the last release prior to the final 14.10 release and fixes
a few issues that were present in Beta 2 please make sure you read
the release notes below because there are still unresolved issues
you’ll need to be aware of.
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MATE interview with Linux Luddites
Linux Luddites were kind enough to interview
me last week. We discussed the origins of MATE Desktop,
it’s future direction, how Ubuntu MATE came to
be and where it is headed.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Beta 2
Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Beta 2 is now available for download. This second beta
fixes a number of issues that were present in Beta 1, adds a few new
features and includes some more original artwork. We’ve managed to not
introduce any new bugs this time but please make sure you read the
release notes below because there are still unresolved issues you’ll
need to be aware of.
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Do you want an alternative community forum?
I have noticed that a few members of the Ubuntu MATE community have
expressed an interest in a forum that is not powered by a social network.
We’ve conducted all previous polls via the
Ubuntu MATE Google+ community, but holding such a vote on
G+ may skew the results. So please cast your vote below and if there is
enough interest we can explore the options.
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Ubuntu MATE Remix Beta 1
Ubuntu MATE Beta 1 is released and represents a big step forward
compared to Alpha 2, not least because Ubuntu MATE is now sporting new
themes and artwork to give it a distinctive look. A number of bugs have
also been fixed along the way and a few new ones have been introduced,
so make sure you read the release notes below.
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New Ubuntu MATE Team Members
Please join me in welcoming Goce Mitevski,
Ivan Pejić
and Jack Mohegan
to the Ubuntu MATE team! They have all graciously accepted positions
on the Ubuntu MATE Artwork and Design team.
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Ubuntu MATE 14.04 from Scratch
We are getting a lot of requests for Ubuntu MATE 14.04 .iso images but we
won’t be in a position to make them until after Ubuntu MATE 14.10 is
released. So, as an interim measure here are some instructions for creating
your own Ubuntu MATE 14.04 from scratch.
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Progressing towards Ubuntu MATE Beta 1
A few days ago I was asked what is the current status of Ubuntu MATE,
what is outstanding and what help do we require
via our Ubuntu MATE Google+ community.
I thought it best to reply here to reach a wide audience.
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Ubuntu MATE Remix Alpha 2
We are delighted to announce the release of Ubuntu MATE Alpha 2.
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MATE. Say it!
OK podcasters, enough!
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Ubuntu MATE Remix Alpha 1
Yes, it’s here and it’s very alpha. So, be nice. Please!
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Ubuntu MATE Remix Alpha 1 Preview
Chris and Matt of the Linux Action Show
gave Ubuntu MATE Remix Alpha 1 a little preview in Show 320.
Here is what they had to say.
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Ubuntu MATE Remix sprint
Earlier this week popey and I met up for a one day
development sprint to try and make some headway with Ubuntu MATE Remix.
We did manage to make a good deal of progress. So, what did we achieve?
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Ubuntu MATE Remix artwork
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Ubuntu MATE Remix inception
I was interviewed on the Ubuntu UK Podcast
(UUPC) a few weeks back to talk about the MATE Desktop,
a project I’ve been involved with for about a year now.
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