Ubuntu MATE Remix sprint
Этому посту больше года и, возможно, он устарел.
Earlier this week popey and I met up for a one day development sprint to try and make some headway with Ubuntu MATE Remix. We did manage to make a good deal of progress. So, what did we achieve?
Achievements unlocked
- Development is now hosted on Launchpad - http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/
- The Ubuntu MATE Remix .iso images are now built using seeds and germinate. While this is currently only possible using a meta package in our PPA, this technique is consistent with the official Ubuntu flavour builds.
- Fixed the Ambiance and Radiance themes to work with MATE 1.8.1.
- The Ubuntu MATE Remix package selection is pretty much complete and offers a “pure” MATE desktop environment on top of Ubuntu. The testing .iso images do not include anything of Unity, indicators or Compiz by default. Wide hardware support, including VirtualBox, has been integrated.
- The application selections are mostly consistent with the default applications that shipped in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
- Created this super-amazing website. Yes, it needs work and will be improved in due course.
Locked levels
These are the main issues we need to work on:
- Get LightDM to auto login to the LiveCD session.
- Fork the
, merge the Ubuntu MATE Remix modifications, build a revised package in our PPA and modify the .iso image builder accordingly. - Release .iso images for testing.
- Ubuntu MATE Remix Plymouth boot themes and Ubiquity slides.
- Coordinate merging the Ubuntu MATE Remix seeds, tasks and
changes upstream. - Testing, lots of testing. In particular hardware and printer compatibility.
Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? If so please get in touch.
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