Community Support

If you need help, we encourage you to join fellow users in the Ubuntu MATE Community. If this is your first time, you’ll need to create a new account using the Sign Up button in the upper right hand corner. Once you have an account, post your issue in Support and Help Requests. Be detailed with your description of the problem and be excellent to each other. Ubuntu MATE General Chat on Matrix Ubuntu MATE Development Chat on Matrix

Official Guide

If this is your first time using Ubuntu MATE, we have an official guide to assist you on your journey. It’s also pre-installed under the Accessories menu (for full installations). Shop Books

Other Resources

While these sites aren’t specific to Ubuntu MATE, they can still help you find a solution as we have a lot in common with the wider Ubuntu community.

For the best results, make sure your report includes what you were doing when you had the problem, steps to reproduce and hardware specifications to help the people who will help you.

Ask Ubuntu Launchpad Answers Ubuntu MATE Bugs on Launchpad

To learn how to report a bug, go to Bug Reporting and Triage under Get Involved.