Testing & Quality Assurance
Testing & Quality Assurance
Ubuntu MATE is always improving and changing. Our development team is constantly
working to make this the best experience possible but there will always be
bugs! Finding these makes life easier on the developers and makes things
better for our users. – including you
So you want to find ’s and join in the fun? Yes, it really is!
Join the Ubuntu MATE Community
Create a Launchpad/Ubuntu SSO account
Report and Update the ISO Tracker
It’s pretty simple but very important! Here are some tips & tricks that will help.
- How to report bugs
- Step-by-step guide
- Let us know about issues via the Ubuntu MATE Community
Also remember to ask yourself Is the problem reproducible? We need to know the steps needed to reproduce your issue.
While you can certainly download an ISO release individually. For convenience, we highly recommend zsync. Eric Adams has produced a short video that is a great introduction to using zsync for testing:
We’d to have you join us in testing and become part of our Community.
We are always looking for more testers!
Finally, Alan Pope has produced a wonderful
video on testing Ubuntu MATE.
We are sure you can do a better job of it than he did.