Community Support
Community Support
If you are good with Ubuntu MATE and also good with people, then an unsung but vital form of contribution is helping your fellow users over at our Community. Here’s some of the key ways you can help grow the community.
Help and Support Forum
Many Ubuntu MATE users, especially those who are new (and possibly new to Linux!) post in our Support and Help Requests category. Helping others shares your knowledge with a wide audience, helps your fellow users achieve their goals, and helps the project reach more people. If you see a post where your experience and guidance could make a difference, be like Captain Picard and engage!
Development Discussion
Even though Development Discussion doesn’t get as much lurve as Help and Support, it’s still another forum that benefits from new viewpoints and voices. For example, one of our Hebrew-language users helped bring our attention to an issue where Welcome struggled with right-to-left languages. This helped our developers fix the immediate issue, and to keep this in mind for future versions. So if you have an idea (that’s not a bug report) on how to improve Ubuntu MATE, let us know in the Development Discussion!
Tips, Tricks and Tutorials
If you think of something that would be genuinely useful to others, consider writing out a guide, note it out as a quick tip, or write a tutorial. All posts in these categories are wiki, so you are welcome to improve upon others’ work too.
Be the Welcoming Committee
Patience is a virtue. And like most virtues, sometimes it isn’t easy. Interacting online has its own challenges, and it can be a little too easy to dismiss people. But you could be the difference between someone who abandons Ubuntu MATE because of a lack of friendly support, and someone who becomes an invested member of the community. So be brilliant, be helpful, and as Bill and Ted say, be excellent to each other.