Ubuntu MATE 14.04 reviewed by Linux Luddites
Linux Luddites reviewed Ubuntu MATE 14.04 in Episode #29. Ahead of their review is a short interview with myself where we cover some of the new features introduced in Ubuntu MATE 14.04, how it compares to Ubuntu MATE 14.10 and who helped create Ubuntu MATE.
I suggest you head over to the Linux Luddites website and give it a listen
and then read the comments after their show notes to see my feedback about
the Ubuntu MATE 14.04 review :-)
If you’ve not listened to the Linux Luddites before then you don’t have your podcatcher configured correctly. It has been one of my favourite FLOSS podcasts for some months now that blends good discussion and insight with informative distro reviews.
Linux Luddites reviewed Ubuntu MATE 14.04 in Episode #29. Ahead of their review is a short interview with myself where we cover some of the new features introduced in Ubuntu MATE 14.04, how it compares to Ubuntu MATE 14.10 and who helped create Ubuntu MATE.

Ubuntu MATE 24.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 22.10 Release Notes