Ubuntu MATE 15.04 generic ARMv7 root file system
The Ubuntu MATE team have made a generic Ubuntu MATE 15.04 root file system for ARMv7 devices. This root file system is intended for ARMv7 enthusiasts and board manufacturers who’d like to make an Ubuntu MATE image for their device(s). In order to adapt the root file system for your device you’ll need to:
- Add a boot loader
- Add a kernel
- Add X.org 1.17 drivers
- Add any other hardware specific configuration
We’ve created some instructions and example build scripts based on the work we did to make Ubuntu MATE 15.04 for the Raspberry Pi 2. The instructions are brief but hopefully sufficient for ARM device hackers to get started.
We’d love to see Ubuntu MATE images for more ARMv7 devices. We will gladly host the images and catalogue what the community creates on this website. If you start working on, or create, an Ubuntu MATE image for an ARMv7 device then please let us know in the Ubuntu MATE Development Discussion forum.
If you have any improvements, or add support for a new device, then please submit a pull request to our BitBucket.

Ubuntu MATE 24.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.10 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Release Notes
Ubuntu MATE 22.10 Release Notes